How can we collaborate?

I can also be hired on an hourly basis. This means that we agree on a number of tasks that I will perform for you. Based on this, we determine the number of hours per week that I will spend on this. The amount of the hourly rate depends on the number of vacancies and the degree of responsibilities regarding internal processes.


This means that you place a recruitment order with me, start a candidate suggested by me, and I will receive a fee. The amount of the fee depends on the degree of exclusivity, the number of vacancies and the size of the process that I will take on.

Hourly rate- based

Recruitment Marketing

I can also be deployed in the field of Recruitment Marketing. This means that I will create an ad text, an image text and that I will actively sponsor it on Meta (Facebook and Instagram). The price depends on the recruitment demand and other applicable agreements.

In addition to positioning our vacancy, I start by actively sourcing candidates in the market through various channels, including LinkedIn, Indeed and

How do I work

If you have a technical recruitment need, we will arrange a Teams call or a physical visit, where we will discuss what you are looking for and what I could offer. I can offer the following services:


It happens that the above steps are not sufficient, especially in technology or when there are multiple vacancies. In this case I make a proposal regarding actively targeting candidates via Meta, i.e. Facebook and Instagram.


The Employer Brand underlies all the previous steps. The question is how you want to be known as an organization and how you are currently known in the market. Together with my partners who specialize in this, I can help you gain insight into this and ensure that you are well known among job seekers.

Employer Brand

We start with a conversation with the hiring managers and a current employee in this position. Based on this, I will create a vacancy text that we will put online. With the help of Recruitment data platforms, I can see where the candidates we are looking for are located and how we will approach them. Based on this, I make a proposal regarding sponsoring the vacancy. We agree on the price and which channels we will use. This varies per target group and vacancy.

Vacaturetekst, Data en Sponsoring

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